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Practice makes a man perfect, but these 7 tips on how to get better at chess will help you amplify your journey and help you master chess faster

Like any other game, one needs to dedicate time and effort to get better at chess. It does not matter if you are a complete amateur and have no prior experience in the game. Following regular practice, you will find yourself leveling up in chess with time.

How to Get Better at Chess?

When it comes to the question, – ‘How to get better at chess?’, there is no concrete answer. Every person is unique and will experience a different chess-learning journey than everyone else.

But the most crucial aspect of learning is the deep desire to get to the next level, which is the driving force behind all significant accomplishments. And the same applies here while tackling the thought, ‘How to get better at chess.’

how to get better at chess

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss seven ways to scale up your chess skill set over time. Under no circumstance shall these seven-pointers be considered the only way to improve chess skills under no circumstance.

There are different schools of thought upholding various chess philosophies, and each has legitimated means stocked in its arsenal, enabling chess players to sharpen their skills.

If you want to know how to get better at chess fast, look at the seven tips we have shared below. These will surely make you a better chess competitor.

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7 Tips To Get Better At Chess

Learn the Rules of the Game Thoroughly

Chess is a relatively easy board game to pick up. Most of us began playing chess at a very young age. After only a few brief talks, we started matching our wits against our opponents.

However, even if you are confident that the game’s rules are at your fingertips, it is always a great idea to go back to the drawing board and review the fundamental laws of chess one more time.

On several occasions, people find that they need to catch up on the nitty-gritty of the game. Therefore, it will be worthwhile to peruse through the basics of the game before you take up chess on a more serious note.

Recommended Read: Rules Of Chess

Keep Playing Chess Matches at All Times

Can you get good at chess just by playing? As the old maxim tells us – practice makes perfect. Likewise, you can only improve your chess skills by playing as many matches as possible.

Take the chance to practice your skills on the chessboard without fearing losing the game to a less deserving opponent.

Remember to put your pride locked up while working on your skills on the chessboard. You may lose some games initially, but the benefits would be enormous in the long term. In chess, like in every other skill-based endeavor, repetition is paramount.

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Keep Reviewing and Learning From the Games You Play

Nothing beats revision when striving to get better at chess. Once you have played a particular match, keep it from your memory, and make some time to get back to it to analyze it. To do this, knowing algebraic chess notation can be highly valuable.

With chess notation at your fingertips, you can record all the moves a game witnesses. Then, after the game concludes, you will have the entire progression of the match by your side. Reviewing a chess match with the help of chess notation is a fantastic path to mastery of the game.

If you have yet to learn chess notation or are on the verge of learning it, you can use online chess portals such as and to analyze your game on your behalf.

These days, online resources provide significant assistance to chess enthusiasts during their training phase., So, use internet tools to your advantage.

Recommended Read: Chess Notation – The Language of Chess

Practise Daily with Chess Puzzles

While learning any craft, mixing up one’s study schedules is a wise choice. For example, one day, you may be testing yourself by playing a few games against actual people. In other instances, you could bring some much-needed diversity by incorporating chess puzzles into your practice module.

Chess puzzles are small-sized chess problems that are supposed to be solved by using one’s wit and intelligence. These puzzles are real match situations, and solving them gives one a chance to end a match.

When you solve chess puzzles, you find yourself jumping to the critical moments of games where one brilliant move will turn you into the victor. On the other hand, a false move will make you lose the game. Solving chess puzzles is vital to every successful chess player’s practice regimen.

It sharpens one’s problem-solving skills and builds strong decision-making capability. You will find free chess puzzles waiting to be solved on online chess portals. Do not forget to make use of those free exercises to your advantage.

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Spend Adequate Time Studying Endgames

The ‘endgame’ is the final phase of a chess match, and it is when both parties have completed setting up their individual chess pieces on the chessboard and are now looking to finish off their opponents.

The endgame arrives after the ‘opening’ and the ‘middle game’. True to its name, competitors start looking to launch vicious attacks on rivals during this game stage to eke out a win. But it is not easy to defeat an opponent if one’s endgame skills are weak.

To strengthen one’s endgame tactics, studying and practicing endgame moves regularly becomes all the more important. The internet offers several chess portals where you will find endgame drills to run your mind through.

Make endgame practice a non-negotiable component of your chess training to see better results in the long run.

Spend Less Time and Energy on Chess Openings

A chess opening is that phase of a chess match where both parties slowly begin bringing out their chess pieces on the playing field of the chessboard.

A lot can be learned from following a particular chess match’s opening rounds. This is where the character of the ensuing game develops, and on deeper perusal, one can tell if the competition will be on the offensive or the defensive side.

However, one of the most common mistakes rookie chess players make is that they need to spend more time memorizing opening moves and patterns. As far as chess opening is concerned, you will do well by simply integrating the seminal principles governing the same.

Focusing too much on the set of ‘good opening moves’ given in numerous chess books will make the learning process unnecessarily complicated and needless.

Recommended Read: 4 Most Aggressive Chess Openings That You Should Know

Always Check Twice Before Making a Move

The most crucial point to remember while competing in a chess match is to be doubly sure about a move you are about to make. At times, even the foremost chess professionals fail to complete all the calculations before committing to a movement.

Terms such as a ‘chess mistake’ or a ‘chess blunder’ come to the fore under such circumstances. So, if you want to play a good game of chess, be sure to check the safety of your king and other pieces before going ahead with a move.

Although you may get away with the game if you make a ‘mistake’, ‘chess blunders’ can cost you the whole match. Caution should always reign supreme in your mind during a game.

Recommended Read: Smartest Chess Middle Game Strategies

For more information on this theme, you can type in the words – ‘how to get better at chess for beginners’ or ‘how to get better at chess openings’ on the internet and find good suggestions.

Also, you will need a splendid chessboard to practice your games on a daily basis. On that front, SquareOff is your one-stop solution.

Visit the SquareOff website for exciting deals on the world’s best automated chessboards and enhance your chess-playing experience with a brand new SquareOff chessboard today!