What is castling, and what is its importance in the game of chess? This would be the first thing you would need to understand before going any further.
It is common knowledge that you can only move one piece at a time in the game of chess. This applies on every occasion except castling. It involves the king and any of the rooks.
In this move, the player moves two pieces in one move. Apart from the knight who can jump over another piece in a move, this is the only move where the pieces can do so.
Conditions for Castling
There are a few conditions in which castling can be permitted.
- The castling cannot be done if the king or the rook in question has already moved ahead.
- You cannot castle while in check. You can however castle with a rook that is already under attack at the time. The rook can pass through an attacked square when castling while the king cannot.
- All spaces between the king and the rook should be empty.
When to Castle
- Castling should only be done when necessary. Too often many novices resort to it once they learn it, without really understanding the implications. You should do so only when it looks to be working for you.
- It is always a good play to castle as soon as your king can be protected. To ensure that there is sufficient window to move and there are no defending pieces nearby from the opponent’s side.
- The rook is usually one of the most difficult pieces to bring into play. The offensive capabilities come in handy much later in the game. If the rook and the offensive capabilities he wields are a cornerstone of your game plan, it would make sense to castle and free the rook thereby from behind the pawns.
- Waiting for the right time to use castling is the most important strategy. Once you see that your opponent has mounted an offensive based on the current standings, you should plan and open up a room for castling. This way you’ll catch the opponent by surprise.
- Always look to your opponent’s pieces for vital cues. Typically, players want to control the middle of the board, but if you’re playing against a more distinctive player, they might have overloaded one side with pieces. This would make you more vulnerable to an attack on that side, making a castle inappropriate. Here you need to work the middle of the board to regain control for an offensive strike.
- If the centre of the chessboard is left open, it would be a good idea to castle. A board left wide open could put your king in a spot of bother and it’s a better option to castle here.
- Castling should be used as part of a broader strategy, especially while going on the offensive. Initiating the castling from the kingside is generally believed to protect your king better than doing so from the queenside position.
There is no room for doubt that castling is one of the most important moves you could learn to use in your armoury. Timing is the key to catching your opponent off guard. It is a very effective offensive strategy too.
You learn more as you play more. Visit our store at Square Off and choose from our range of e-chessboards, bound to bring out the enthusiast in you.