If you’ve been thinking about how to improve your chess game, then you’re on the right path to achieving better mental capabilities. Chess has a ton of cognitive benefits, and the more you develop your skill at the game, the more potential it has to influence the growth of essential cognitive skills. Playing casual chess is great, but figuring out how to play chess better can potentially help you in other areas of your life.
Chess, which has been widely popular for at least the last 1,500 years (though it’s estimated that it’s been around for even longer than that) is a game that requires great skill and aptitude. And, unlike many other games, there are very real reasons to assume that you’re gaining more than just a fun pastime when you sit down to play.
Chess is a game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages, and it offers just as big of a challenge for children as it does for adults. And, the benefits that are picked up along the way are crucial for both. Below, we outline some of the ways that chess influences your brain to develop a sharper mental acuity.
The Benefits of Figuring Out How to Get Better at Chess
How do I get better at chess? Well, figuring out strategies to build stronger skills will require you to work on the following areas of cognition:

1. Memory
Chess is a game of memory and organization, so it’s no wonder that the more you play the better your memory can get. In fact, there’s even evidence that chess can help prevent Alzheimer’s. That’s because the brain is a muscle in our body like any other—and chess is one of the best workouts you can give it. The stronger your brain, the better its memory processing powers.
2. Problem-solving
Chess is a puzzle, and puzzles require some pretty complex problem solving to get through. As such, many people find that the more that they play chess, the better their functional problem-solving skills become. These benefits extend to the game but also beyond it, with improved abilities to address and work through problems of all varieties.
3. Concentration
If you want to learn how to be good at chess, you’re going to have to concentrate. Getting distracted means losing track of your opponent’s strategy or making harried, uninformed moves.
To win, you have to practice intense concentration, and the more you do so, the more you develop concentration skills that can help you both during and outside of the game.
4. Brain Exercise
It’s just as important to exercise your mind as it is to exercise other parts of your body. Chess works both sides of your brain, improving both your object recognition skills (left hemisphere) and your pattern recognition skills (right hemisphere). The more you play, the more developed these neural skills become.

5. Confidence
The benefits of improving your chess game reach far beyond the board itself. Many people find that chess boosts their self-confidence and self-esteem, especially as they become more confident in their gameplay. For younger players, looking up to chess role models can also assist in developing confidence, and it doesn’t help that chess has become further appreciated as a game for all types and varieties of people.
6. Motor Skills
The fine motor skills required to play chess might not seem like much while you’re performing them, but they are immensely helpful for strengthening motor development and the brain-body connection. This is particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries, as well as young players who are just starting to refine their motor skills.

Aside from improving cognitive skills, there’s also another major benefit to playing chess: it brings people together. It’s a game that helps families bond, especially when it comes to finding a common interest among older and younger generations. And, when you look at it that way, all the brain benefits of the game just become the cherry on top of the sundae.
At SquareOff, we’re committed to bringing the benefits of chess to more people around the world. Our globally-connected robotic chess boards allow you to play chess with friends and family members no matter where they’re located, and you can also sharpen your skills by playing against the computer. Visit www.squareoffnow.com to learn more about our chess boards and discover the brain-boosting benefits of chess for yourself.